2016年4月7日(木)に待望のメジャーバージョンとなる「React v15」がリリースされました。それに伴いReactの公式サイトのチュートリアルもv15に合わせて若干内容がアップデートされたので、改めてReact v15のチュートリアルの日本語訳をアップしておきます。
React v15での変更点で特記すべき事項は以下の通りです。内部的な変更がメインとなっています。
- Reactの吐き出すコードにidが付与されなくなった
- Reactの吐き出すテキストのブロックにspan要素が含まれなくなった
- spanやnoscriptとして吐き出されていた部分がが、コメントノードに置き換わった
- v0.14まで非推奨となっていたAPIやアドオンなどが使えなくなった
その他React v15の詳細については、当ブログでリリースノートの日本語訳も記事にしていますので、本家のリリースノートと併せてご確認いただければと思います。
React.js v0.14 チュートリアル【日本語翻訳】
React.js チュートリアル(日本語訳)
We’ll be building a simple but realistic comments box that you can drop into a blog, a basic version of the realtime comments offered by Disqus, LiveFyre or Facebook comments.
We’ll provide:
コメントの全てのビューA view of all of the comments
コメントを送信するためのフォームA form to submit a comment
カスタムバックエンドを提供するためのフックHooks for you to provide a custom backend
It’ll also have a few neat features:
軽快なコメンティング: コメントはサーバーに保存される前にリストに表示されるので高速に感じます。Optimistic commenting: comments appear in the list before they’re saved on the server so it feels fast.
ライブアップデート: 他のユーザーのコメントがリアルタイムでコメントビューにひょいと出てきます。Live updates: other users’ comments are popped into the comment view in real time.
Markdown形式: ユーザーはテキストをフォーマットするためにMarkdownを使えます。Markdown formatting: users can use Markdown to format their text.
Want to skip all this and just see the source?: すべてスキップして、今すぐソースをみたいですか?
It’s all on GitHub.
Running a server: サーバーを動かす
In order to start this tutorial, we’re going to require a running server. This will serve purely as an API endpoint which we’ll use for getting and saving data. In order to make this as easy as possible, we’ve created a simple server in a number of scripting languages that does exactly what we need it to do. You can view the source or download a zip file containing everything needed to get started.
For sake of simplicity, the server we will run uses a JSON file as a database. You would not run this in production but it makes it easy to simulate what you might do when consuming an API. Once you start the server, it will support our API endpoint and it will also serve the static pages we need.
Getting started: スタートしよう
For this tutorial, we’re going to make it as easy as possible. Included in the server package discussed above is an HTML file which we’ll work in. Open up public/index.html in your favorite editor. It should look something like this:
For the remainder of this tutorial, we’ll be writing our JavaScript code in this script tag. We don’t have any advanced live-reloading so you’ll need to refresh your browser to see updates after saving. Follow your progress by opening http://localhost:3000 in your browser (after starting the server). When you load this for the first time without any changes, you’ll see the finished product of what we’re going to build. When you’re ready to start working, just delete the preceding <script> tag and then you can continue.
Your first component: はじめてのコンポーネント
React is all about modular, composable components. For our comment box example, we’ll have the following component structure:
- CommentBox - CommentList - Comment - CommentForm
Let’s build the CommentBox component, which is just a simple <div>:
Note that native HTML element names start with a lowercase letter, while custom React class names begin with an uppercase letter.
JSX Syntax: JSX構文
The first thing you’ll notice is the XML-ish syntax in your JavaScript. We have a simple precompiler that translates the syntactic sugar to this plain JavaScript:
Its use is optional but we’ve found JSX syntax easier to use than plain JavaScript. Read more on the JSX Syntax article.
What’s going on: 何が起きているのか
We pass some methods in a JavaScript object to React.createClass() to create a new React component. The most important of these methods is called render which returns a tree of React components that will eventually render to HTML.
The <div> tags are not actual DOM nodes; they are instantiations of React div components. You can think of these as markers or pieces of data that React knows how to handle. React is safe. We are not generating HTML strings so XSS protection is the default.
You do not have to return basic HTML. You can return a tree of components that you (or someone else) built. This is what makes React composable: a key tenet of maintainable frontends.
ReactDOM.render() instantiates the root component, starts the framework, and injects the markup into a raw DOM element, provided as the second argument.
The ReactDOM module exposes DOM-specific methods, while React has the core tools shared by React on different platforms (e.g., React Native).
ReactDOMモジュールは、DOMの特殊なメソッドを公開し、同時にReactは異なるプラットフォーム上のReact(例: React Native)によってシェアされるコアツールを持っています。
It is important that ReactDOM.render remain at the bottom of the script for this tutorial. ReactDOM.render should only be called after the composite components have been defined.
Composing components: コンポーネントを作る
Let’s build skeletons for CommentList and CommentForm which will, again, be simple <div>s. Add these two components to your file, keeping the existing CommentBox declaration and ReactDOM.render call:
Next, update the CommentBox component to use these new components:
Notice how we’re mixing HTML tags and components we’ve built. HTML components are regular React components, just like the ones you define, with one difference. The JSX compiler will automatically rewrite HTML tags to React.createElement(tagName) expressions and leave everything else alone. This is to prevent the pollution of the global namespace.
どのようにHTMLのタグと作ったコンポーネントを混合して書いているか見てください。HTMLコンポーネントは、1つの違いはあるものの、あなたが定義するコンポーネントと同じように正規のReactコンポーネントです。JSXのコンパイラは自動的にHTMLタグをReact.createElement(tagName) という形式で書き換えて、それ以外の部分はそのままにしておきます。これはグローバルの名前空間の汚染を防ぐためです。
Using props: propsを使う
Let’s create the Comment component, which will depend on data passed in from its parent. Data passed in from a parent component is available as a ‘property’ on the child component. These ‘properties’ are accessed through this.props. Using props, we will be able to read the data passed to the Comment from the CommentList, and render some markup:
By surrounding a JavaScript expression in braces inside JSX (as either an attribute or child), you can drop text or React components into the tree. We access named attributes passed to the component as keys on this.props and any nested elements as this.props.children.
Component Properties: コンポーネントのプロパティ
Now that we have defined the Comment component, we will want to pass it the author name and comment text. This allows us to reuse the same code for each unique comment. Now let’s add some comments within our CommentList:
Note that we have passed some data from the parent CommentList component to the child Comment components. For example, we passed Pete Hunt (via an attribute) and This is one comment (via an XML-like child node) to the first Comment. As noted above, the Comment component will access these ‘properties’ through this.props.author, and this.props.children.
親のCommentListコンポーネントから子のCommentコンポーネントにいくつかのデータを渡したということに注意してください。例えば、Pete Hunt(属性を通して)とThis is one comment(XMLのような子ノードを通して)を一番目のCommentに渡しました。上記の通り、Commentコンポーネントはthis.props.author、this.props.childrenを通してこれらの「プロパティ」にアクセスします。
Adding Markdown: Markdownを追加する
Markdown is a simple way to format your text inline. For example, surrounding text with asterisks will make it emphasized.
In this tutorial we use a third-party library remarkable which takes Markdown text and converts it to raw HTML. We already included this library with the original markup for the page, so we can just start using it. Let’s convert the comment text to Markdown and output it:
All we’re doing here is calling the remarkable library. We need to convert this.props.children from React’s wrapped text to a raw string that remarkable will understand so we explicitly call toString().
But there’s a problem! Our rendered comments look like this in the browser: “<p>This is <em>another</em> comment</p>”. We want those tags to actually render as HTML.
“<p>This is <em>another</em> comment</p>“.
That’s React protecting you from an XSS attack. There’s a way to get around it but the framework warns you not to use it:
This is a special API that intentionally makes it difficult to insert raw HTML, but for remarkable we’ll take advantage of this backdoor.
Remember: by using this feature you’re relying on remarkable to be secure. In this case,
we pass sanitize: true which tells marked to escape any HTML markup in the source instead of passing it through unchanged.remarkable automatically strips HTML markup and insecure links from the output.
備忘: この機能を使うということは、安全性をmarkedに依存しているということremarkableが自動的にHTMLのマークアップとアウトプットからの安全でないリンクを取り除いているということを忘れないでください。
Hook up the data model: データモデルをつなぐ
So far we’ve been inserting the comments directly in the source code. Instead, let’s render a blob of JSON data into the comment list. Eventually this will come from the server, but for now, write it in your source:
We need to get this data into CommentList in a modular way. Modify CommentBox and the ReactDOM.render() call to pass this data into the CommentList via props:
Now that the data is available in the CommentList, let’s render the comments dynamically:
That’s it!
Fetching from the server: サーバから取ってくる
Let’s replace the hard-coded data with some dynamic data from the server. We will remove the data prop and replace it with a URL to fetch:
This component is different from the prior components because it will have to re-render itself. The component won’t have any data until the request from the server comes back, at which point the component may need to render some new comments.
Note: the code will not be working at this step.
注意: コードはこの段階では動きません。
Reactive state: リアクティブな状態
So far, based on its props, each component has rendered itself once. props are immutable: they are passed from the parent and are “owned” by the parent. To implement interactions, we introduce mutable state to the component. this.state is private to the component and can be changed by calling this.setState(). When the state updates, the component re-renders itself.
render() methods are written declaratively as functions of this.props and this.state. The framework guarantees the UI is always consistent with the inputs.
When the server fetches data, we will be changing the comment data we have. Let’s add an array of comment data to the CommentBox component as its state:
getInitialState() executes exactly once during the lifecycle of the component and sets up the initial state of the component.
Updating state: stateのアップデート
When the component is first created, we want to GET some JSON from the server and update the state to reflect the latest data. We’re going to use jQuery to make an asynchronous request to the server we started earlier to fetch the data we need. The data is already included in the server you started (based on the comments.json file), so once it’s fetched, this.state.data will look something like this:
Here, componentDidMount is a method called automatically by React after a component is rendered for the first time. The key to dynamic updates is the call to this.setState(). We replace the old array of comments with the new one from the server and the UI automatically updates itself. Because of this reactivity, it is only a minor change to add live updates. We will use simple polling here but you could easily use WebSockets or other technologies.
All we have done here is move the AJAX call to a separate method and call it when the component is first loaded and every 2 seconds after that. Try running this in your browser and changing the comments.json file (in the same directory as your server); within 2 seconds, the changes will show!
Adding new comments: 新しいコメントを追加する
Now it’s time to build the form. Our CommentForm component should ask the user for their name and comment text and send a request to the server to save the comment.
Controlled components
With the traditional DOM, input elements are rendered and the browser manages the state (its rendered value). As a result, the state of the actual DOM will differ from that of the component. This is not ideal as the state of the view will differ from that of the component. In React, components should always represent the state of the view and not only at the point of initialization.
Hence, we will be using this.state to save the user’s input as it is entered. We define an initial state with two properties author and text and set them to be empty strings. In our <input> elements, we set the value prop to reflect the state of the component and attach onChange handlers to them. These <input> elements with a value set are called controlled components. Read more about controlled components on the Forms article.
従って、ユーザーのinputが入力された時にそれを保存するためにthis.stateを使うことになります。authorとtextの2つのプロパティの初期stateを定義し、それらに空の文字列をセットします。各<input>要素には、コンポーネントのstateを反映させるためのvalueプロパティをセットし、onChangeハンドラ―をそれらに設置します。これらのvalueをセットされた<input>要素は、「controlled components」と呼ばれます。controlled componentsについての詳細はForms articleをお読みください。
React attaches event handlers to components using a camelCase naming convention. We attach onChange handlers to the two <input> elements. Now, as the user enters text into the <input> fields, the attached onChange callbacks are fired and the state of the component is modified. Subsequently, the rendered value of the input element will be updated to reflect the current component state.
Submitting the form
Let’s make the form interactive. When the user submits the form, we should clear it, submit a request to the server, and refresh the list of comments. To start, let’s listen for the form’s submit event and clear it.
Events: イベント
We attach an onSubmit handler to the form that clears the form fields when the form is submitted with valid input.
Call preventDefault() on the event to prevent the browser’s default action of submitting the form.
Callbacks as props: propsとしてのコールバック
When a user submits a comment, we will need to refresh the list of comments to include the new one. It makes sense to do all of this logic in CommentBox since CommentBox owns the state that represents the list of comments.
We need to pass data from the child component back up to its parent. We do this in our parent’s render method by passing a new callback (handleCommentSubmit) into the child, binding it to the child’s onCommentSubmit event. Whenever the event is triggered, the callback will be invoked:
子コンポーネントのバックアップからその親にデータを渡す必要があります。新しいコールバック(handleCommentSubmit) を子に渡し、子のonCommentSubmitイベントにそれをバインドすることによって、親のrenderメソッドの中でこれを行います。イベントがトリガーされるたびに、コールバックは実行されることになります。
Now that CommentBox has made the callback available to CommentForm via the onCommentSubmit prop, the CommentForm can call the callback
Let’s call the callback from the CommentForm when the user submits the form:
CommentBoxは、onCommentSubmit propを通してcallbackをCommentFormに利用できるようにしました。これにより、ユーザーがフォームをサブミットした時に、CommentFormからコールバックを実行してみましょう。CommentFormはcallbackを呼び出すことができるようになります。
Now that the callbacks are in place, all we have to do is submit to the server and refresh the list:
Optimization: optimistic updates: 最適化: 快適なアップデート
Our application is now feature complete but it feels slow to have to wait for the request to complete before your comment appears in the list. We can optimistically add this comment to the list to make the app feel faster.
Congrats!: おめでとう!
You have just built a comment box in a few simple steps. Learn more about why to use React, or dive into the API reference and start hacking! Good luck!
チュートリアルだけでもそれなりに把握することができますが、オライリーからもReactに関する書籍が出ているので紹介しておきます。内容自体は現時点ではv0.13当時のものとなりますが、React v0.14の変更内容やReact v15の変更内容を頭に入れておけば、まだまだ十分頼りになる書籍だと思います。
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